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25 Mai 2006

Politisch korrekt

gefunden in Times online

Pride in the Swastika by Richard Lloyd Parry

This year a troupe of the dancers will perform in Germany, to support their national team in the World Cup and promote a new Japanese film. There is one problem - the image seen in red in the bottom right of this photograph (by Kyodo) of an Awa Odori dancer.


The Awa Odori dancers flaunt the swastika, the hated emblem of Nazism and a symbol of evil to people all over the world.

Not that the Awa Odori dancers are neo-fascists, of course. The swastika has been used all over the world for millennia. In Japan, it is often seen on Buddhist temples; in Tokushima, it was taken as the crest of the local Tokushima daimyo, or regional warlord, Yoshishige Hachisuka in the 16th century, which is how it found its way on to the dancers's costumes. But now the Tokushima authorities have taken the decision to remove the swastika for their European tour.

Vorsorglich haben aber die Behörden schon das Zeichen von den neuen Tanzkleidern verbannt. Politisch korrekte Kleidung für die Europatournee.

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