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18 Oktober 2006

Dafur - Souveränität 1

'We burnt their homes and killed all the men, women and children'
By Martin Fletcher

For three years, this Arab shepherd says, he was forced to raze the villages of black Africans in Darfur
Dily, who is in his early twenties, rarely smiled and fidgeted nervously with his hands as he spoke through an interpreter. He said he was tending his family’s camel herd in northern Darfur when rebel groups began attacking government targets in 2003: severe droughts had set black African farmers against nomadic Arabs and the rebels accused the Government of siding with the Arabs.

Dily said he was pressed to join the Janjawid by tribal elders, who were under pressure from government officials. “We were told we were Arab nomads and we had to protect our lands and our cattle,” he said.

Dily and about 20 other youths from his area rode off on their camels to a training camp near the town of Kebkabiya where they joined hundreds of other Janjawid recruits. He says uniformed Sudanese soldiers spent about 20 days teaching them how to use guns — a Kalashnikov in his case — and attack villages.

Those with camels were separated from those with horses. They were organised into battalions of more than 500 men each. They were paid two million Sudanese pounds — roughly £500 — for the use of their camels and promised a monthly salary of 500,000 Sudanese pounds.

Then they were unleashed. Apart from occasional visits home, Dily and his battalion — led by a former bandit — spent the next three years on the move, destroying one village after another. “The Government said attack all villages. The local commanders decided which,” he said.

The battalion would send scouts to check whether there were armed fighters in the targeted village. “If there were no fighters we just attacked straight away. If there were we had to be more cautious.” Sometimes they used satellite telephones to request airstrikes by the Sudanese military helicopters before attacking. “We would see smoke and fire and then we would go in.”

The attacks usually started early and lasted most of the day. The commanders said the villages had to be destroyed, and they did not spare women or children. “Mostly they said “Kill the blacks. Kill the blacks,” Dily said. “The majority of (the victims) were civilians, most of them women.”

Dily said he never raped a woman but other Janjawid did. “They took girls and women away, just out of sight, and started to rape them. Sometimes you heard gunshots if they refused.” They took away the cattle. Some were drunk.

Dily said he felt no elation during or after the attacks. He and his colleagues did not even know what they were fighting for, but faced execution if they disobeyed orders. “I hated the war and I hated the killings and decided to leave and to leave Sudan altogether,” he said.
  • http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-2409336,00.html
    Der erschütternde und entlarvende Bericht eines Schafhirten aus Dafur. Es ist zu hoffen, dass dieser Augenzeugenbericht die Welt aufrüttelt und endlich die UNO einschreiten lässt.
  • Der Schafhirte erklärt, dass er vom eigenen Stamm gedrungen wurde, sich im Lager der sudanesischen Armee ausbilden zu lassen, dann an der Zerstörung von mindestens 30 Dörfern beteiligt war und ungezählte Menschen, meist Frauen und Kinder ermordet hat. Als er diesen Wahnsinn nicht mehr ertragen hat, ist er mit Hilfe von Menschenhändlern nach England geflohen.
  • Es sind innersudanesische Stämme, die gegen die "Schwarzen" von der Regierung aufgehetzt werden, um eine ethnische Bereinigung durchzuführen.
  • Reiterhorden mit Unterstützung der sudanesischen Armee.
  • Völkermord auf Regierungskosten und - geheiß.

  • Peacekeepers are 'a laughing stock'
    From Jonathan Clayton

    THE convoy of African Union (AU) peacekeepers lumbered out of its base on the edge of El-Fasher towards midday. As it passed through central Darfur’s ravaged villages, children playing by the road made thumbs down gestures.

    “We are a laughing stock here,” groaned a senior officer to accompanying newsmen. “We are completely blind to what is really going on.”

    The AU force — 5,000 soldiers and 2,000 civilian police and administrators drawn from more than a dozen of the AU’s 53 member states — was sent to Darfur to monitor last May’s “peace agreement” — a British-backed deal which split the rebel movement and allowed the Sudanese regime to renew efforts to settle the three-year conflict militarily.

    The undermanned and underequipped force trying to police an area larger than France rarely has enough petrol for its vehicles or aviation fuel for its helicopters to respond quickly. Instead, hours of form-filling take place before it can leave base to investigate reports of a violation of the peace deal it was sent to monitor, gaining it a reputation only for bureaucracy and incompetence.

    “They are seen as Keystone cops, nothing more than a token force designed to show Africa is taking the crisis seriously when everyone knows it is not. It is disgraceful to think people’s lives depend on such a force,” an aid worker recently told The Times.

    Senior officers say they have orders to report violations, not to intervene. “If there is fighting going on, we could get harmed . . . That is against the mandate,” Major Namara Gabriel, a Ugandan, declared.

    • So in der London Times von heute zu lesen.
    • Wenn die Truppen der afrikanischen Union mit sich selbst und ihrem Fromularkrieg so beschäftigt sind, dass sie nicht kontrollieren können, was sollen sie dann da?
    • "Wenn es Gefechte gibt, könnten wir verletzt werden. Das ist gegen unser Mandat.", erklärt der ungandische Major Namara Gabriel.
    • Das Mandat ist also ein symbolisches und ein absolut zynisches: zusehen und Listen über Verletzte und Tote ausfüllen. Sich selber bedeckt halten und die Reiterhorden gewähren lassen.

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